Interactive Networked Experiences in Multimedia for You - iNEM4U [EU FP7 STREP Project]
January 2008 - December 2009
In a perfect world, networked electronic media enable individuals and groups of users to share their interactive media experiences in an intuitive and seamless manner, regardless of their choice of device and networks. iNEM4U will design, prototype and evaluate a distributed service infrastructure that supports these goals. To accomplish this, the project will extend and combine existing services from different technology domains, such as Web 2.0, IMS, peer-to-peer and IPTV services. In particular, iNEM4U will investigate innovative solutions in three areas: new generic services that facilitate cross-domain interoperability (identity management, media synchronization and metadata integration), user-centric services for enhanced shared media experiences (context-dependent cross-domain recommendation system, community management), and business models that provide benefits for the entire content distribution value chain.