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CEAP 360VR Dataset

Dataset structure

In the root folder you will find the CEAP-360VR folder, CEAP-360VR Dataset Description.pdf, License.txt file, and a Readme.txt file describing the dataset contents.

The CEAP-360VR Dataset Description.pdf introduces the dataset description and key steps in the stage of data acquisition and pre-processing.

The CEAP-360VR folder contains the following six subfolders:

  • 1_Stimuli
  • 2_QuestionnaireData
  • 3_AnnotationData
  • 4_BehaviorData
  • 5_PhysioData
  • 6_Scripts

The following is a detailed description of each sub-file:

  • 1_Stimuli
    • VideoThumbNails contains the eight thumbNails for each video (.jpg)
    • VideoInfo.json contains the detailed information for eight videos
  • 2_QuestionnaireData
    • PXX_Questionnaire_Data.json (X = 1, 2, …, 32) contains questionnaire data for each participant
  • 3_AnnotationData
    • Raw contains the raw annotation data captured from the Joy-Con joystick for each participant
    • Transformed contains the transformed valence-arousal data generated from the raw data for each participant
    • Frame contains the re-sampled annotation data from the transformed data for each participant
  • 4_BehaviorData
    • Raw contains the raw behavior data captured from the HTC VIVE Pro Eye Tobii Device for each participant
    • Transformed contains the transformed heam/eye movement data (pitch/yaw) generated from the raw data, as well as pupil diameter data for each participant
    • Frame contains the re-sampled behavior data generated from the transformed data for each participant
    • HM_ScanPath contains the head scanpath data generated from the transformed data for each participant
    • EM_Fixation contains the eye gaze fixation data generated from the transformed data for each participant
  • 5_PhysioData
    • Raw contains the raw physiological data captured from the Empatica E4 wristband for each participant
    • Transformed contains the transformed physiological data generated from the raw data for each participant
    • Frame contains the re-sampled physiological data from the transformed data for each participant
  • 6_Scripts
    • Unity Project contains the complete project of our user-controlled experiment (Unity 2018.4.1f1, HTC VIVE Pro Eye HMD)
    • Data Processed contains scripts that undertake the pre-processing steps for converting the raw data to the transformed/frame data in the transformed and frame folders.
    • CEAP-360VR_Baseline contains scripts to generate processed behavioral and physiological data with V-A labels for deep learning experiments and features for machine learning experiments. contains scripts to run ML and DL experiments under both subject-dependent and subject-independent model.