Open Lectures

Public lectures will be held in the Turing Room at CWI. For more information, visit the event page on the CWI homepage or the Venue page.
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Tuesday 5th

09:30-10:15  |  Keynote

Volumetric Content Creation for Immersive XR Experiences

Aljosa Smolic

10:45-11:30  |  Keynote

Social Signal Processing as a Method for Modelling Behaviour in SocialXR

Julie Williamson

11:45-12:30  |  Keynote

Towards a Virtual Reality

Elmar Eisemann

Wednesday 6th

09:30-10:15  |  Keynote

Navigating the Ethical Landscape of XR: Building a Necessary Framework

Eleni Mangina

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10:45-11:30  |  Keynote

360° Multi-Sensory Experience Authoring

Debora Christina Muchaluat Saade

11:45-12:30  |  Keynote

QoE Assessment of XR

Patrick le Callet