Open Lectures

Public lectures will be held in the Turing Room at CWI. For more information, visit the Venue page.
Registration is not required!

View compact schedule

Tuesday 8th

09:30-10:30  |  Keynote

Novel Opportunities and Emerging Risks of Social Virtual Reality Spaces for Online Interactions

Guo Freeman

11:00-12:00  |  Keynote

Privacy, Security and UX Challenges in (Social) XR: an Overview

Katrien de Moor

Wednesday 9th

09:30-10:30  |  Keynote

The Multiple Dimensions of Social in Social XR

Sun Joo (Grace) Ahn

11:00-12:00  |  Keynote

AI-based Volumetric Content Creation for Immersive XR Experiences and Production Workflows

Aljosa Smolic